
中国大学生喜爱雇主(Top Graduate Employers)由中国权威的人力资源服务商前程无忧(51job.com)和大学生用户独有的应届生求职网(yingjiesheng.com)联合发起,评选多年有计划、持续地招聘中国高校毕业生,在校园开展各种活动和科研项目,帮助和扶持大学生自发的公益活动和创业,它们不仅以吸引优秀学子为目标,也热心帮助中国大学生提升知识技能和全球视野,在学生中有广泛的认知和较高的美誉度的领先雇主。

The“Top Graduate Employers”is co-launched by 51job.com, the leading integrated human resources service provider in China, and yingjiesheng.com, the leading online job search portal for college users in China. The award is being presented to the companies who have a long-term campus recruitment plan as a vital part of their human resource strategy. These companies have recruited college graduates for many years, supported dynamic events and research programs on campus, sponsored activities and nurtured entrepreneurship, and earned broad recognition and high reputation among students.


Selection Methodology & Criteria
